Най-доброто от седмицата (29.09-05.10.2014)


http://graphicburger.com/ – Tasty design resources made with care for each pixel. Free for both personal & commercial use.

http://designposts.net/beautiful-css-hover-effects-tutorial/ – Beautiful CSS Hover Effects Tutorial

http://www.etecminds.com/eng – сайт на уеб агенция

http://www.snowdenindustries.com/portfolio.html – портфолио

https://www.behance.net/gallery/19759321/Docker-Free-Font – безплатен кирилизиран шрифт

http://247wallst.com/special-report/2014/06/19/10-oldest-company-logos-in-the-world/2/ – Ten Oldest Company Logos in the World

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